If you’re receiving a pension from the Scheme, your annual pension increase will be applied from 1 May 2023. The increase you’ll receive is calculated in line with the Scheme Rules and legislation.
You can find all the details in your pension increase letter, which is now available for you to view securely on the M&S Pension Scheme Portal.
If you’ve not yet registered for the Portal, it’s easy to do. Just go to the M&S Pension Scheme Portal and click 'Register'.
Once you’ve registered, follow these simple steps to view your letter:
- Log in to the portal – remember your login name will be something you chose and not your email address.
- On the portal homepage, look for ‘My Details’ click on ‘My Mailbox’
- Click on the
icon to download your letter. If you’ve clicked the icon but you can’t see your letter, you should check your device’s ‘Downloads’ or ‘My Documents’ folder.
You can also view your payslips and P60 for 2022/23 on the Portal, by clicking on the links under ‘My Pension’ on the Portal homepage.
Need help with registering or resetting your login? Take a look at our portal guides.
Need to contact us?
This is a busy time for the Pensions Administration Team and it's likely it will take you longer to get through on the phone. Please think about whether your query is urgent or if it could be answered by email, through the Scheme website or within the Portal instead.