About this site.
The information on this website is for members of the M&S Pension Scheme only.
The Scheme was closed to new members from 1 April 2002.
If you joined M&S after this date, you may be a member of Your M&S Pension Saving Plan. Further information can be found at www.yourmandspension.com
Member benefits are calculated according to the Scheme’s formal governing documents at the time the member leaves which are known as the Rules, and must reflect applicable tax requirements and general pension law. Nothing on this website gives any member any entitlement in excess of that given under the Rules. In the event of any discrepancy between the content of this website and the Rules, the Rules will always take priority. Members can get a copy of the Rules by contacting the Pensions Administration Team.
The information on this website is general background information and should not be interpreted as financial advice. You should consider taking independent financial advice before making any decision which could affect your pension. All references to tax represent the Trustee’s understanding of the law and practice at July 2022. Benefits and contributions would be taxed in accordance with the law and HMRC practice at the applicable time.